Camps always have all-season popularity. Whether the kids are heading to sleep away or day camp, they are sure to spend night in the cottages, hike in the woods, engage in team sports, climb trees, and swim in lakes and pools. Of course, first aid-kits, pest repellent, poison ivy ointment, and protective outdoor gear are essential for safety.
For indoors, bed bugs are becoming increasingly prevalent in camps and other youth settings. The concern is not only young people get bitten, but also spreading bed bugs between young members and risking them bring them home. Transient conditions in a communal place like camp, is ripe for bed bugs infestations.
Mosquitoes are the obvious outdoor terror. Young kids get bitten during the day and are swarmed in evening hours and get eaten alive.
It is important that pest control operations are done properly at camps to insure all campers have a healthy and fun adventure.